Format conversion of genotype file
HIBLUP can help to transform the genotype in … 阅读更多 »Format conversion of genotype file
HIBLUP can help to transform the genotype in … 阅读更多 »Format conversion of genotype file
Almost all procedures in HIBLUP support to fi… 阅读更多 »Sample and SNPs filter
HIBLUP has the function of predicting genomic… 阅读更多 »Predicting GEBV/GPRS
The multi-trait SBLUP is extended from single… 阅读更多 »Multiple traits SBLUP (MT-SBLUP)
LD score regression is method widely used in … 阅读更多 »LD score regression
The LD score is defined as the sum of LD … 阅读更多 »LD scores
HIBLUP supports user-defined windows to cut t… 阅读更多 »Genome windows file
Since different populations or breeds have di… 阅读更多 »Population classification file
The summary data from a GWAS/meta-analysis sh… 阅读更多 »Summary data file